What are the therapeutic health effects of cereals?

What are the therapeutic health effects of cereals?

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-11 09:45
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(Summary description)Miscellaneous grains are like medicine. Millet is made into porridge with newly produced millet, which tastes fragrant and sweet, and is rich in protein, glutinous rice, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B, B, etc. It has the effects of promoting appetite

What are the therapeutic health effects of cereals?

(Summary description)Miscellaneous grains are like medicine. Millet is made into porridge with newly produced millet, which tastes fragrant and sweet, and is rich in protein, glutinous rice, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B, B, etc. It has the effects of promoting appetite

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2020-10-11 09:45
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Miscellaneous grains are like medicine. Millet is made into porridge with newly produced millet, which tastes fragrant and sweet, and is rich in protein, glutinous rice, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B, B, etc. It has the effects of promoting appetite, invigorating the spleen and stomach, nourishing kidney qi, replenishing deficiency and heat, and is an ideal food for patients and parturients to recover and produce milk.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" states: "Millet cures nausea, fever, dysentery, benefits dantian, nourishes deficiency, and appetite." Millet porridge is cooked with a layer of oily viscous on top, commonly known as "rice oil", "Fresh living diet" It is said that "the black and thin people eat white fat. With its yin nourishing power, it is better than rehmannia, and can be used as a substitute for ginseng soup." "In Chinese medicine and folk prescriptions, millet is used to treat diseases. Such as: feeding the baby with rice oil to regulate the stomach and intestines of the child; using millet porridge with brown sugar to treat postpartum fever and thirst. For diarrhea caused by weak spleen and stomach and indigestion, 50 grams of millet, 20 grams of yam and 5 jujubes can be used to cook porridge. Patients with diabetes should use Chen millet for cooking.

The cellulose in corn is 4-10 times higher than that in polished rice and white flour. It is known as the "golden crop". Cellulose can accelerate bowel movements, reduce cholesterol absorption, and promote the excretion of harmful factors in the large intestine, which can prevent coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer. Corn can absorb part of the human body's glucose and relieve diabetes.

Soybeans are sweet and flat in nature, have the functions of invigorating the spleen and widening the middle, moisturizing dryness and eliminating water, and can be used to assist in the treatment of malnutrition, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and thinness, pregnancy poisoning, carbuncle swelling and pain.   Mung beans are sweet in taste and cold in nature, which can diuresis and reduce swelling, neutralize and detoxify, cool and relieve heat. It is common knowledge that everyone knows to use mung bean soup to relieve heat in summer.

The mung beans are cleaned and boiled in the pot until the soup turns green, and wait for the soup to put). Add appropriate amount of sugar to relieve heat. The raw mung beans are soaked in water and ground, then the residue is removed and a large amount of juice is taken. 100 grams of white sugar, warm boiled water, can turn cholera, vomiting and diarrhea, mung bean boiled juice, diuretic and detoxifying effect





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